Winners 2016

Dr. Ernesto Bosch (Spain)

Embryo aneuploidies and morphokinetics in stimulated and non-stimulated cycles. An intrapatient comparison using next generation sequencing of biopsied blastocysts and time-lapse evaluation

“…We expect to demonstrate that ovarian stimulation does not compromise the viability of the embryos…the hypothesis of the study is that embryos obtained after controlled ovarian stimulation show similar morphokinetics and aneuploidy rate than those coming from a non-stimulated cycle.”

– Dr. Ernesto Bosch

Team members: Dr. Elena Labarta and Dr. Belén Aparicio

Prof. Roy Homburg (United Kingdom)

Does dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) improve IVF outcomes in poor responders? A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

“The aim of this study is to investigate whether DHEA can improve the prognosis of women undergoing IVF who are poor responders to ovarian simulation. This question will be resolved by employing an adequately powered randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.”

– Prof. Roy Homburg

Team members: Prof. Charles Kingsland, Prof. Adam Balen, Dr. Albert Opoku, Prof. Scott Nelson, Dr. Jonathan Skull and Dr. Ying Cheong

Dr. Paola Scaruffi (Italy)

Mitochondrial DNA into the secretome as a non-invasive biomarker to predict developmental potential of human embryos

“My project involves the development of a DNA-based tool to provide additional reliable, non-invasive, predictive parameters for embryo viability and implantation potential and thereby to allow a single-embryo transfer approach.”

– Dr. Paola Scaruffi

Team member: Dr. Laura Rienzi

Prof. Charles Chapron (France)

IVF/ICSI outcomes after delayed frozen thawed embryo transfers: a prospective observational cohort study

“The first aim of the current study is to examine the impact of a ‘freeze-all policy’ with delayed embryo transfers on pregnancy and live birth rates in an infertile population undergoing IVF-ICSI. The second objective is to identify the best indications for delayed frozen embryo transfers in order to optimise ART outcomes and infertility strategy management for women wishing to conceive.”

– Prof. Charles Chapron

Team members: Dr. Maignien, Prof. de Ziegler, Dr. Santulli, Dr. Gayet and Dr. Bourdon

Dr. Thomas Freour (France)

Kinetomics: combination of morphokinetic analysis and secretomics to develop a human embryo viability score

“The main objective of the Kinetomic project is to develop an integrative viability score for human embryo development and implantation based on culture media analysis (secretomic) and morphokinetics (time-lapse analysis).”

– Dr. Thomas Freour

Team members: Dr. Laurent David and Prof. Paul Barriere

Dr. Romain Imbert (Belgium)

Optimising patient support in ART: impact of specialised fertility nurse consultations/implementing a dedicated fertility nursing consultation at the ART centre of CHIREC

“The population of people seeking fertility treatment is rapidly changing…We want to address their support and information needs in a relevant way and document outcomes of support programs.”

– Dr. Romain Imbert

Team members: MD and Muriel Vandenabeele, Fertility Nurse

Dr. Udo Markert

Dr. Udo Markert (Germany)

Proteomic analysis of endometrial flushing in fertile women and patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion or implantation failure

“Aim is to establish the proteome of endometrial flushing in fertile women and in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion or implantation failure and the results used for identification of proteins associated with infertility and phases of the hormonal cycle, in turn leading to potential novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.”

– Dr. Udo Markert